IN THE NEWS: Harrington to Speak at Western Carolina University in Asheville this Fall

Author, Speaker, Millennial Coming to WCU in Asheville to Talk about the New Workplace Generation

(Asheville, NC) -- Matt Harrington, is a Millennial (born between 1980-2001), and he’s been studying this unique generation and consulting with organizational leaders of every generation for over a decade. Through his program Growing Millennial Leadership, Matt has developed an approach that includes a carefully crafted and designed brand that speaks to both Millennials and managers.

Matt is the co-author of a book, along with Deborah Mackin, entitled Survival of the Hive: 7 Leadership Lessons from a Beehive. He has spoken at Society of Human Resources events in New England and New York, and for the Association for Talent Development. He has worked with Keurig coffee, Killington Mountain Resort in Vermont, the USDA Department of Agriculture and conducted workshops on how to motivate, retain and empower Millennials.  Matt also blogs, vlogs and does interview podcasts with other leaders on his engaging website

Matt’s approach includes understanding how Millennials think and what motivates them to go to work for an organization. He says, When it comes to fishing, we know how to bait the hook to get the fish we want. But, when it comes to people, we often say, ‘Look, this is the way I am. Take it or leave it.’ Then we wonder why we can't catch any ‘fish.’  We have to learn to flex our style and our organizations to catch the fish or the people we want to have in our organizations.”

Harrington continues, “I think what makes these talks so interesting and relevant is the fact that one, I am a Millennial, but I’ve studied, trained and consulted with organizational leaders of every generation for over a decade, which gives me the ability to be a bridge between the expectations and behaviors of one generation and that of another.  My background is also in marketing, advertising and design, which provides a sleek, modern and progressive look. The ability to marry both the expectations of the Millennial generation with the expectations of organizational leaders make these talks ideal. Helping to educate and promote healthy multi-generational workplaces is a labor of love.  Whether its podcasts, blogs, videos, articles, social channels, the website or other learning aids, the experience is built to speak to both the Millennial and the management staff alike. Learning can occur long after I’m physically gone from the talk if attendees engage with the full experience and brand – that’s exciting and value-added.”

Experts suggest that in 2015 the Millennial generation (1980-2001) made up over half of our workplace and by 2025 they will account for 75% of the global workforce. It is imperative that today's organizations discover new ways to excite and engage this generation and harness the raw talent that they bring, while not feeling like they're giving away the "keys" to the company. How do we begin to build a workplace culture that encourages Millennials to engage, lead and, in turn, stay in our organizations? Matt’s approach is to provide new contrarian ways of thinking about each generation and to learn from best business practices, case studies and real-world data.

Matt will shed light on some new and innovative ways to build a strong workforce for the future on September 9, 2016, from 9 am to 12 pm at the Western Carolina University at Biltmore Park in Asheville. For more information, or to register visit, or call 828-227-7397. Seats are limited and there is an early-bird registration discount through August 1, 2016.


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