Weekly Posts and Insights

Millennials: The "Risk-Averse" Generation? (TD.org)
Matthew Harrington Matthew Harrington

Millennials: The "Risk-Averse" Generation? (TD.org)

“While technology is young people's oxygen, risk may be their carbon monoxide," stated Inc. magazine, in its May 2015. This statement was a clear response to the decrease of upstart entrepreneurs in this generation as opposed to other generations. According to the magazine, young people (25-35 years old) launched 35 percent of start ups in 1996, young people start ups only made up 18 percent of the market in 2014. Indeed, although innovative and team-oriented, Millennials may be the most risk-averse generation. But why? 

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Millennial Talent Development: Areas of Focus for 2015 (TD.org)
Matthew Harrington Matthew Harrington

Millennial Talent Development: Areas of Focus for 2015 (TD.org)

Originally posted on TD.org in ATD's Management Community

Although Millennials may think they come to the workforce primed and ready to go, needing little to no development, they would be wrong (and I’m a recovering Millennial so I can say that). We all need development, and we all need help identifying strengths and identifying ways to neutralize our weaknesses.

Here is a list of eight areas of development for you, as a manager, to work on with your Millennials in 2015.

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