Weekly Posts and Insights
NEWS: Social Learning and Technology in the New Workplace Will Be The Focus of Harrington’s Talk With The Hudson-Mohawk Association for Talent Development
On Friday, September 18th at 8:00am the Hudson-Mohawk Chapter of the Association for Talent Development (formerly American Society for Training and Development) will host Matt Harrington, author, trainer and speaker at an event that focuses on organizational learning and preparing for the new “social” worker.
Millennial Talent Development: Areas of Focus for 2015 (TD.org)
Originally posted on TD.org in ATD's Management Community
Although Millennials may think they come to the workforce primed and ready to go, needing little to no development, they would be wrong (and I’m a recovering Millennial so I can say that). We all need development, and we all need help identifying strengths and identifying ways to neutralize our weaknesses.
Here is a list of eight areas of development for you, as a manager, to work on with your Millennials in 2015.