Weekly Posts and Insights
Greenthumb Leadership in Action: How Microsoft Used Adaptive Leadership to Boost Employee Retention and Engagement
In the mid-2010s, Microsoft reached a pivotal moment. While the company was a global tech leader, its internal culture was becoming a hindrance. Employee engagement was low, innovation had stagnated, and internal competition was stifling collaboration. Recognizing the need for cultural transformation, CEO Satya Nadella placed employee engagement and resilience at the heart of the company’s strategy, sparking a leadership overhaul that would play a key role in Microsoft's resurgence.
The Leader as a Gardener of People: Disgruntled Stage
The "Disgruntled" stage in a follower’s development mirrors the secondary growth phase of plants, where individuals become experienced but may harbor negative attitudes and exhibit inconsistent behavior. These team members often have high aptitude but are susceptible to negativity, which can impact both their performance and the morale of others. Leaders must address these behaviors through open communication, setting clear expectations, and providing opportunities for growth to help them re-engage positively with the organization.
The Aptitude and Attitude of Our People
Discover the power of adaptive leadership, where leaders tailor their approach to meet the unique needs of their team members, whether employees, volunteers, or community members. Instead of a rigid, top-down style, adaptive leaders ask, "How can I get the best out of my people?" By understanding and responding to individuals' Aptitude and Attitude, leaders can effectively motivate and nurture their teams, creating a supportive and dynamic environment.
Using the CAMP Method of Motivation to Motivate and Retain Your Staff
This past week, wearing my other hat as chamber director for southwestern Vermont, I had the pleasure to present at the Vermont Tourism Summit in Burlington, Vermont. My topic was on “Building Your Brand With Local Talent.” Now, because of my job and my background, the presentation was heavy on marketing tactics. However, I was able to weave in some of my other passion - motivating teams.
Right, makes sense! With all the strategy and tools to get the marketing job done, we still have the fundamental challenge of human beings leading the charge. We still need to make sure our staff, teammates or freelancers are happy. This is where I often weaved in our CAMP Method of Motivation.
I’m A New Manager! Help!
Many of those that have gone through one of my workshops know that I despise the word manager. It’s too sterile and authoritarian. It doesn’t describe the actual purpose of the role. When you have entered the arena of manager (welcome!), you take on a new role. You are no longer suppose to make the widgets, work in the weeds, mow the lawn! Yes, you doing so well at those jobs probably got you there, but it is important to know when you receive the title of manager, supervisor or coach, you are putting down your widget making ability and picking up the skillsets of guiding a team to success!
Stop Talking about Generations and Start Talking About Better People-Skills!
My punch line at the end of most of my talks is, “we don’t have a Millennial problem, or even a generation problem, we have a people to people problem.” As the generation guy, I’m saying we need to stop talking about generations and start talking about empowering our workers (Boomers, Xers, Yers, all) to better handle people!
Millennials with Matt Episode 4: Becoming an 'Adaptive Coach' Through Situational Leadership
What does it take as a manager to start to create a healthy and vibrant relationship with your younger workers? Generational expert Matt Harrington talks about becoming the 'Adaptive Coach' and utilizing Blanchard's Situational Leadership model to understand how every employee evolves.