Weekly Posts and Insights
Perhaps We Don’t Have a Generational Problem?
In the past year I have seen growing discontent with the focus on generations either in media, training or general discussions. “Why do we talk so much about the generations, especially the Millennials,” many people have begun to ask. Or I’ve heard, “This is a sham, another way to put complex people into simplified boxes.” I can’t say I completely disagree with these arguments. People are amazingly complex with many beliefs, different personalities and various values.
Millennials with Matt Episode 1: What Makes a Generation a Generation
In this episode generations expert Matt Harrington takes a look at what makes a generation an actual generation. When we talk generations in the workplace or in our personal life we often look at the age or the two points in time the group of people were born into. Instead we should be looking at what took place during that generation, especially in their formative years, that now defines their outlook on the world and the way they think others should act. There are also other tips and tactics in the episode discussed when talking about generations. Enjoy!
Stop! Or My Mom Will Text!
A Baby Boomer and a Millennial get into a car and start using techology...
The Millennial Gen-X Challenge: Driving The Future of the Organization, Together
In this post-recession business world, we need to prepare our organizations for a huge transfer of leadership and knowledge to new leaders that are ready and competent to close the gap. The looming issue for our workforce and our organizations is that Gen-X and Millennials don’t like each other quite frankly.