Weekly Posts and Insights

The Overlap of Conflict, Vulnerability, Trust, and Innovation
Leadership, Culture Matthew Harrington Leadership, Culture Matthew Harrington

The Overlap of Conflict, Vulnerability, Trust, and Innovation

True innovation exists at the intersection of trust, vulnerability, and constructive conflict. As leaders, our role is to create the conditions for innovation to thrive. That means checking our egos, fostering trust, and modeling vulnerability. It means leaning into conflict, embracing discomfort, and having the courage to confront the most brutal facts of our current reality.

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At The Heart of True Innovation are Trust and Vulnerability
Culture, Leadership Matthew Harrington Culture, Leadership Matthew Harrington

At The Heart of True Innovation are Trust and Vulnerability

Innovation, or the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market, has a lot to do with the tasks, processes, and smart people! However, true innovation relies more on the ability to trust and be vulnerable in the incubator stage of an idea or innovation.

False innovation can be defined, if we borrow some language from vulnerability author Brené Brown as, “the absence of honest conversation about the hard work that takes us from lying facedown in the arena to rising strong has led to two dangerous outcomes: the propensity to gold-plate grit and a badassery deficit.”

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