Weekly Posts and Insights

Building a Long-Lasting, Great Company By Answering These Fundamental Questions
Culture Matthew Harrington Culture Matthew Harrington

Building a Long-Lasting, Great Company By Answering These Fundamental Questions

Thesis: If you don't know who you are, where you're going (or want to take other people like your customers) or why you're doing this (the business), no amount of marketing in the world will help you create a great, lasting company, product or service. The story you share with your customers and could-be customers has to be true, authentic, passionate and align with your internal self (as a business).

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XPollination (Ep. 16) - Millennials and Branding
Culture Matthew Harrington Culture Matthew Harrington

XPollination (Ep. 16) - Millennials and Branding

Special guest Jacques Bastien: Millennial Marketer, Hustlepreneur, Professor, Speaker, Writer, Designer, Founder of boogie, Breadcrumbs, and Authenpic is joining us today on another edition of XPollination.  The founder of boogie (boogie.nyc), a disruptive social media and viral marketing agency helping brands engage with Millennials through photos, videos, music and conversations, Jacques has offices in Albany NY, Brooklyn NY and Los Angeles, CA .  He is also a partner/investor/founder at a few others startups, including Cased Up (casedup.co), Breadcrumbs (trybreadcrumbs.com), Authenpic (authenpicapp.com), and What The Fee (whatthefee.co).

Jacques’s passion is in technology, startups, entrepreneurship, fashion, and social media. He runs a blog called hustlepreneur.co to help inspire, motivate and educate other young entrepreneurs. He is currently writing a book with my wife about young relationships. This book will feature stories from their relationship.

Jacques was the featured speaker this week at Startup Grind, which is powered by Google for entrepreneurs, as an up and coming young entrepreneur to watch. 

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