Weekly Posts and Insights
The Leadership Compote: Simple, Soul-Warming Recipes for Growing Resilient Leaders
Easy, applicable and scrumptious leadership recipes for everyone. Sometimes it takes some creativity (and a touch of humor) to better understand key leadership principles. It’s our hope that this book, above all else, sparks some ah-ha (or even ha-ha) moments for you. Leadership should be loose, fun, and adaptable. As you read through these recipes, I hope you not only chuckle but also picture exactly what we’re talking about when we think of best leadership practices and take something meaningful away.
The C.A.M.P. Model In Action: How Google Applied This Theory to Drive Employee Motivation and Innovation
As Google grew, it faced the challenge of keeping its talented workforce consistently motivated. Financial incentives alone weren’t enough to maintain the high levels of innovation and employee satisfaction required to stay ahead in the competitive tech industry. Google’s leadership recognized the need to focus on intrinsic motivators—those elements that drive long-term engagement and fulfillment beyond salary and perks.
Unlock the Secrets to Revitalize and Retain Your Staff: E-Book Launch Today!
We are thrilled to announce the release of our new e-book, "Revitalize and Retain Staff", now available for free download on our website! This comprehensive guide is packed with actionable strategies designed to boost employee engagement, retention, and resilience. Whether you're leading a small team or managing a large organization, this resource is your roadmap to creating a thriving workplace where people want to stay, grow, and succeed.
Unleashing The Leader Within: More Insights from the Institute for Organization Management
In my recent experience at the US Chamber's Institute for Organization Management, I explored the importance of trust in leadership and the concept of "Level 5 Leadership," which emphasizes humility, resolve, and crediting others. The course also covered essential skills like Fanatic Discipline, Productive Paranoia, and Empirical Creativity, highlighting the importance of creating a compelling vision for organizational success. By fostering environments where trust and motivation thrive, leaders can drive their teams toward long-term success and growth.
Managers Who Motivate: A Preview from the US Chamber's Institute for Organization Management
I am excited to share that this week, as a faculty member of the US Chamber's Institute for Organization Management, I will be teaching over 30 enthusiastic nonprofit leaders on a subject close to my heart: "Managers Who Motivate."
The 4 Things You Need To Be a Great Remote Leader
When it comes to remote work or some variation of it (hybrid work), the only negotiable is the speed at which we are willing to change our workplaces, not the change itself. Hopefully these 4 elements will give you a head start in adapting your workplace. Don’t wait to go completely remote, these tools work well with traditional workplaces too!
Using the CAMP Method of Motivation to Motivate and Retain Your Staff
This past week, wearing my other hat as chamber director for southwestern Vermont, I had the pleasure to present at the Vermont Tourism Summit in Burlington, Vermont. My topic was on “Building Your Brand With Local Talent.” Now, because of my job and my background, the presentation was heavy on marketing tactics. However, I was able to weave in some of my other passion - motivating teams.
Right, makes sense! With all the strategy and tools to get the marketing job done, we still have the fundamental challenge of human beings leading the charge. We still need to make sure our staff, teammates or freelancers are happy. This is where I often weaved in our CAMP Method of Motivation.
Forget the New 2019 Leadership Fad and Try These 13 Back-To-Basics Disciplines To Be A Great Leader
As I continue to travel around and see various businesses and organizations trying to get the edge on their competition or the market, I’m still astonished at the lack of basics from our leaders. Don’t get me wrong, the basics are hard. And, sometimes they’re not hot or new. And, so they are rarely discussed (even though some of them have been around for years) and barely used. However, they are time-tested and worth consideration. Forget the the 2019 leadership buzzwords and try some of these concepts as you develop your leadership.
Millennials with Matt Episode 2: Motivating Millennials with C.A.M.P.
With budgets so tight and little mobility in organizations to move right up the career later, C.A.M.P. (Competency, Autonomy, Meaningfulness, Progress) is a great way to add intrinsic motivators to an organization's culture and a Millennial's career.