Weekly Posts and Insights
Culture vs. Community: Navigating the Truth of Connection
Culture and community are two intertwined concepts that shape the fabric of societies, defining the uniqueness of each group. While culture helps us differentiate societies, community goes beyond mere description, fostering a sense of fellowship among individuals who share common attitudes, interests, and goals within a specific area
Millennials with Matt Episode 6: 9 Things That Drive Millennials Away from Organizations
Generations specialist Matt Harrington brings us another quick video on the 9 things that organizations do that drive Millennials to find other places to work. For more information on this and other generations content visit www.GrowingMillennialLeadership.com
NEWS: Social Learning and Technology in the New Workplace Will Be The Focus of Harrington’s Talk With The Hudson-Mohawk Association for Talent Development
On Friday, September 18th at 8:00am the Hudson-Mohawk Chapter of the Association for Talent Development (formerly American Society for Training and Development) will host Matt Harrington, author, trainer and speaker at an event that focuses on organizational learning and preparing for the new “social” worker.