Weekly Posts and Insights

Isn’t This Just Business? Millennials’ Transactional Loyalty to Organizations and Why Organizations Hate It.
Matthew Harrington Matthew Harrington

Isn’t This Just Business? Millennials’ Transactional Loyalty to Organizations and Why Organizations Hate It.

Organizations have been in an uproar about the hop-scotching that Millennials do in their career with very little regard for the company.  Why?  I’ve seen organizations let go of people left and right, level a whole department for a better stockholder return, move people into positions of little power to make them leave.  Unemployed workers talk about being angry, sad and confused about the lack of loyalty from the company for all the years the worker had put in. So, why are organizations and managers ‘hurt’ or blindsided when Millennial workers say, “we’re not sticking around for that, good bye.”  Isn’t it just the transactional relationship the employer/employee relationship has been built upon?

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Creating a Company Structure That Supports the New Era of Millennial Retention
Matthew Harrington Matthew Harrington

Creating a Company Structure That Supports the New Era of Millennial Retention

Are we suppose to change the retention-adverse Millennial worker and figure out ways to keep them in our organizations?  Or, should we acknowledge this paradigm shift in the ways new workers move around from company to company and figure out new ways to equip our organizations to handle the swinging door?  

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