Weekly Posts and Insights

Why your organization’s new vision is failing and what you can do about it
Culture Matthew Harrington Culture Matthew Harrington

Why your organization’s new vision is failing and what you can do about it

When I start to tackle a vision for a new project, committee or for an organization, I think of it as “change.”  You are asking a group of people to go from where it’s comfortable, familiar and the way they’ve always done something to a new place that can be scary, as well as exciting.  That’s a big ask.  You’re asking people to change and realize your vision. Implementing a successful vision shouldn’t be left to the elite or once-in-a-generation geniuses.  You can do it too.  You’ve heard the quote 10% inspiration, 90% perspiration.  I think there’s a lot of that quote in the implementation of vision statements. 

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5 Ways To Bring Your Organization’s Values To Life Every Day
Culture Matthew Harrington Culture Matthew Harrington

5 Ways To Bring Your Organization’s Values To Life Every Day

Perhaps contrary to popular opinion, defining and exercising your organizational values is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal as a leader of your organization. Workplace values set the tone for your chamber or association’s culture, and they identify what your organization, as a whole, cares about.  

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Really Setting and Accomplishing Goals for the Next Year and Decade with a One Page Strategy
People Matthew Harrington People Matthew Harrington

Really Setting and Accomplishing Goals for the Next Year and Decade with a One Page Strategy

The One Page Strategy (OPS) has helped me put all my strategic and yearly plans and goals all on one sheet.  The idea is that by putting it on one sheet you can look at it throughout the year to make progress on those goals. 

Not only are all your goals and projects on one sheet, it also holds you accountable as you look at it from time to time throughout the year to measure your effectiveness in achieving your goals.

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Who Needs a Strategic Plan?
Culture Matthew Harrington Culture Matthew Harrington

Who Needs a Strategic Plan?

You might hear, “strategic planning doesn’t work because things are moving too fast.” Or, “we’ve operated just fine with no plan so why start now?” And finally, “you can’t plan 3-years out with the pace of societal change.” No matter the reasons, a volunteer driven organization needs the buy-in, commitment and a check on its relevance. Without a plan how will alignment with finances, committees and staff be checked?

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