Weekly Posts and Insights

Say It Isn’t So!  The Day I Decided To Delete the Facebook App from My Phone
Matthew Harrington Matthew Harrington

Say It Isn’t So! The Day I Decided To Delete the Facebook App from My Phone

So the other day I deleted the Facebook app from my smart phone (as the title might suggest).  I had finally gotten to the point where my eyes were exhausted and bloodshot from staring too long at the blue-boxed platform that keeps me up-to-date with “everything in the entire world.” My ‘finger swipe refresh’ was doing just the opposite – with little updates coming through, every other second of the swipe, I was not refreshed.  I felt depressed, guiltier and guiltier as I realized I was addicted to status updates and my Facebook app.

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XPollination (Ep. 14) - Millennials and Knowledge Sharing
Matthew Harrington Matthew Harrington

XPollination (Ep. 14) - Millennials and Knowledge Sharing

Special guest Giulia Sergi has worked in a variety of technology roles; previously with Bank of America, and now currently with HealthScape.  She is also a graduate student at Northwestern University studying Learning and Organizational Change. Her passion is around understanding the dynamics of organizations, teams, and the individuals in them.  Today she joins us to talk about the idea of knowledge sharing and why it’s crucial in our work environments especially as the it gets more complex and fast-paced.  Millennials obviously play a crucial role (and are somewhat of a pioneer) in this idea of knowledge sharing so we wanted to get her on the show to talk to us about the idea.

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Why Technology Has Splintered What We Know About Generations
Matthew Harrington Matthew Harrington

Why Technology Has Splintered What We Know About Generations

We may be seeing the splintering of the Millennial generation into 'older' and 'younger' due to all the culture-evolving events that are being packed into this time period.  Why doesn’t the Millennial generation fit into a nice, little bracket of time like every other generation seems to?  My theory would be that technology has created the splintering effect of this generation unlike any other generation before it.  

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