Weekly Posts and Insights

Matthew Harrington Matthew Harrington

MILLENNIALS: Designed To Win – How the Millennial Worker Will Usher In a New Workforce Designed To Win

To the millennials: You were designed to win.  The cells of your body, the synapses of your brain, the muscles in your arms and legs, the consciousness of your soul, the interactions you have with others – all of these were specifically manufactured for you to win. They were put together like blueprints on a paper, carefully engineered, meticulously combed over, tweaked for maximum output.  You were constructed to succeed in life, at your job, in your relationships, and in your community.

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Matthew Harrington Matthew Harrington

90% of Millennials Don’t Plan to Stay with an Employer for more than 5 Years. Now What!?

The vast majority of Millennials (90%) do not plan to stay with any given employer for more than five years.  More than a third of Millennials (37%) say they plan to stay no more than two years.  Almost 40% of Millennials start a new role already planning their next career move in the immediate future.  These were the recent numbers coming from a five-year survey of Gen Y (Millennials) done by Adam Kingl and Richard Hytner of the London-based newspaper, The Guardian.

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Matthew Harrington Matthew Harrington

How to Motivate, Lead and Retain the Millennial Worker

Last week we had the pleasure of presenting a half-day workshop for the Vermont Association of Talent Development (formerly ASTD) at Champlain College focused on the Millennial worker.  The room had a great mix of generations and professionals all wondering about this new emerging workforce. The assortment of organizations in the room and around the world are facing an enormous challenge:  how do we engage and lead the new Millennial worker, estimated to be 75% of our workforce in the next 15 years, and how do we transfer the knowledge of our existing generation, the Baby Boomers, who are estimated to be leaving the workforce at a staggering 6,000 a day.

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Matthew Harrington Matthew Harrington

Millennials and Teams: The Perfect BFFs?

Next month on June 19th, we’ll be presenting Leading Millennials: How to Motivate, Lead and Retain the Millennial Generation in Your Workplace at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont.  It’s been a while since we’ve done a blog post on this newest workplace generation (born 1980-2001), although our commitment to understanding and interest in the Millennial generation is never too far away.  It’s just that we’ve been doing a lot with teams recently!

And in doing a lot with teams, we’ve been able to see firsthand how Millennials are flourishing in teaming environments.  Let us tell you, from what we’ve seen, they’re knocking it out of the park.  Could high performance teaming (HPT) be a perfect vehicle for Millennials to excel?  Could Millennials and HPTs be BFFs (Best Friends Forever)?

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