Study Finds People Get Promoted Most In The Summer. How To Get Your Boss To Notice You.

In a Wall Street Journal Career Strategies article, Most Promotions Take Place in January, Study Finds, depending on the industry, a study finds June, July, and September are also popular months for job advancement. This is a great window of time to build on your strengths, neutralize your weaknesses, and demonstrate why your boss should take notice. Here are a couple of maverick thoughts of our own with ways to become indispensable this summer.

Show up, on time, ready to go: We had a saying at my former leadership organization that was the principal philosophy in all that we did.  Show up, on time, ready to go. Why so important? Because, if we show up, on time, ready to go, the boss doesn't have to worry. We have taken the fear out of the equation by building a standard of excellence, a platform statement, a brand that demonstrates that we are “ always on time, always ready to go, and we always ‘show up’ each time.”  As a boss, I don’t have to watch my back because I know that those employees that exercise this philosophy can take care of themselves and that actually makes me look good as a manager. It’s reported that U.S. companies lose between $200-$300 billion a year due to absenteeism and tardiness among other things. Imagine the impact of showing up, on time, ready to go, offering your boss with little to worry about you.

Become the Pirate: Steve Jobs made famous the line: “It’s more fun to be a pirate than to join the navy.” Jobs looked for the pirate in all his team members, as Peter Sander, author of What Would Steve Jobs Do? points out. “But it wasn’t enough just to be brilliant, and it wasn’t enough just to think different. Steve’s pirates had to have the passion, the drive, and the shared vision to want to delight the customer with a perfect, game-changing product.” How have you become a pirate for that new project - looking outside the box, in the box, or through the box to offer something truly creative, passionate, and game-changing? So often we are looking for a huge, innovative, genius product, when really some game-changing features might be taking the notes at the meeting, staying late when needed, having a positive attitude, or helping out a teammate because it’s the right thing to do.

Embrace Your Workhorse Muscle: “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration,” Edison said. I believe it. Find a person who knows how to truly roll up his/her sleeves, put his/her nose to the grindstone, dig in and efficiently produce high caliber work time and again and you will bear witness to the next innovative leader. In That Used To Be Us, Thomas Friedman notes, “the time for mediocrity is over.” If that’s the case we have to become very good at shutting out noise, including our internal negativity (and smartphones), having laser like focus on the task at hand, and pushing through to get the job done. All the best quotes, great philosophies, and soapbox pronouncements mean little if you can’t just get the work done.

Rhetorical Sensitivity - “We are all rhetoricians,” my former college professor of classical rhetoric used to say. What he was saying is that whether we like it or not all of us have mouths and perform actions daily that either cast a good light or a bad light on ourselves and others. Going a step further, rhetorical sensitivity is the idea that we must always be aware of who, where, and what we are talking about.  In addition, we have to have the proper emotional and social intelligence to modify our content and approach to appeal to our audience (our audience being the boss, the client, the teammate, even the frenemy). Many times I come across people who are offended that they should ever have to flex or modify their position, thought or even tone to accommodate others. Usually I’m having this conversation because the other person has offended someone, been called out, or has been reprimanded for something he or she said. We must be sensitive to how we are perceived and how that in turn, finds its way to the boss. We must be able to flex.  Win the war, not each battle.

Level 5 Leadership - Famously described in Good To Great, a Level 5 Leader demonstrates humility and professional will with fierce resolve to do what is best for the company, not the leader. The Level 5 Leaders build enduring greatness in their organizations; they set up their successors for success, and talk passionately about their companies and others, but not themselves. They are ordinary people producing extraordinary results. To me, this is another simple axiom, the good of the company before my personal need, and yet it can be so hard to get out of our own way. This isn’t an argument about disenfranchisement (why would I sacrifice myself with the potential to get laid off). This is a recalibration of your perspective and attitude about how you will lead. Level 5 Leadership does not only apply for your time at the office - it should encompass your being and should be felt by family, friends, workers and strangers.

Servanthood Leadership is leading for the sake of and on behalf of others.  Think about that in your workspace. How often do we truly have that spirit of “it never hurts to help?” I challenge you to try it out for two weeks - even saying “it never hurts to help” and see what results. I’m confident that your boss will take notice.

Don’t throw a Hail Mary; plan a touchdown: “The essential question is not, ‘How busy are you?’ but ‘What are you busy at?” thus spoke Oprah Winfrey.  You can work hard every hour, of every day, of every year and still get nowhere. How is that possible? You can throw all the Hail Mary passes for 50 or 75 yards and never get a single touchdown.  However, if you strategically go down the field with a game plan, you’re more likely to score. This is the difference between looking busy and actually getting things accomplished. Planning is a crucial component to becoming the streamlined and efficient employee the boss wants to promote. Planning, for most people, can also be painful, difficult and not a native skill. It requires patience and focus and ‘not doing’ - which can be very hard for a lot of us. We like to go, go, go and yet that has statistically been the downfall of many great ideas, people and organizations because they never had a game plan.  Data shows that a team that takes one third more time in planning is statistically proven to perform better then teams that don't. How have you structured your day to incorporate, not doing, but planning? Do you take time in the morning before emails and conversations to make a to do list? Have you thought about multiple to do lists (daily, weekly, quarterly or internal operations, clients, personal)? 

Finding the White Space and Innovating at the Verge - In a recent article on the Sabri brand, the founder mentioned that when he was looking to make the most positive impact as a businessperson he didn’t go where competition was most fierce, which for him was in high tech. He knew that at a high-tech company, “the most junior software engineer” would be smarter than he was, so instead he changed direction and found the white space where the competition was least. “Low-tech businesses have a massive talent gap,” he realized. With that in mind, he set up his new company Sabri and has had great success manufacturing products for Baby Boomers with an artistically tech bent. Joel Barker, a renowned futurist, would call this innovation at the verge - taking your talent and pioneering where competition hasn’t gone yet to have the greatest impact. As an individual, have you gone where the competition is least? Are you innovating for your boss at the verge?

Do all of these and get promoted? Perhaps, but there is no guarantee. However, I have had many conversations with peers, supervisors, managers, executives, and bosses - these are the themes that keep floating to the top as game-changing, attention-getting attributes that leaders look for in their best employees. Good luck this summer season!


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