Weekly Posts and Insights
Study Finds People Get Promoted Most In The Summer. How To Get Your Boss To Notice You.
In a Wall Street Journal Career Strategies article, Most Promotions Take Place in January, Study Finds, depending on the industry, a study finds June, July, and September are also popular months for job advancement. This is a great window of time to build on your strengths, neutralize your weaknesses, and demonstrate why your boss should take notice. Here are a couple of maverick thoughts of our own with ways to become indispensable this summer.
Part 3: How "Narrative Belonging" Should Define Today’s Brands for Millennials
Let’s build out the Beloved Brand Triangle with thesis #3. The final point on our triangle is narrative belonging. Narrative Belonging is the ongoing effort by a brand to tell the story continually of how a customer that uses the brand will have a sense of belonging to the product and service that will greatly enhance the customer’s existence and experience.
Dissecting the 2016 Deloitte Millennial Survey
We took a look at the annual Deloitte Millennial Survey (2016) and here were some of the key highlights...
A Response/Addition To Simon Sinek's Video on Millennials
A response, or perhaps more of additions to Simon Sinek's recent video about Millennials. His video is below. We also include the CAMP Method of Motivation worksheet for people.
Millennials with Matt Episode 6: 9 Things That Drive Millennials Away from Organizations
Generations specialist Matt Harrington brings us another quick video on the 9 things that organizations do that drive Millennials to find other places to work. For more information on this and other generations content visit www.GrowingMillennialLeadership.com
Perhaps We Don’t Have a Generational Problem?
In the past year I have seen growing discontent with the focus on generations either in media, training or general discussions. “Why do we talk so much about the generations, especially the Millennials,” many people have begun to ask. Or I’ve heard, “This is a sham, another way to put complex people into simplified boxes.” I can’t say I completely disagree with these arguments. People are amazingly complex with many beliefs, different personalities and various values.
Millennials with Matt Episode 5: Why Millennials Are Vital To Your Workplace!
Generational specialist Matt Harrington discusses key reasons why the Millennial generation (1980-2001) are necessary and vital to our current workplace including the ability to handle a VUCA world, demanding a more nimble and agile organization and their ability to be social sharers of your company.
NEWS: Harrington to speak at 2015 SHRM Vermont Human Resources State Conference on the Millennial Generation
Author and generational expert Matt Harrington will be presenting at the state SHRM conference entitled HREvolution: Change Tomorrow Today on Thursday, September 10th in Burlington, Vermont. Harrington’s presentation, Building the New Workplace that the Next Generation Demands: Key Ways We Can Transform Our Organization for the Future Workforce, will focus on strategies to utilize an organization’s aging workforce and develop skills to prepare for the new workforce.
Millennials with Matt Episode 1: What Makes a Generation a Generation
In this episode generations expert Matt Harrington takes a look at what makes a generation an actual generation. When we talk generations in the workplace or in our personal life we often look at the age or the two points in time the group of people were born into. Instead we should be looking at what took place during that generation, especially in their formative years, that now defines their outlook on the world and the way they think others should act. There are also other tips and tactics in the episode discussed when talking about generations. Enjoy!
Millennials: The "Risk-Averse" Generation? (TD.org)
“While technology is young people's oxygen, risk may be their carbon monoxide," stated Inc. magazine, in its May 2015. This statement was a clear response to the decrease of upstart entrepreneurs in this generation as opposed to other generations. According to the magazine, young people (25-35 years old) launched 35 percent of start ups in 1996, young people start ups only made up 18 percent of the market in 2014. Indeed, although innovative and team-oriented, Millennials may be the most risk-averse generation. But why?