Weekly Posts and Insights

Tasks, Processes and Relationships
Culture, Leadership Matthew Harrington Culture, Leadership Matthew Harrington

Tasks, Processes and Relationships

There are always three things going on in any transaction or more importantly group/team/department/company: tasks, processes, and relationships. You can imagine that most of us focus a majority of our time on tasks (60%), A good organization focuses some of their energy on good processes (30%). This leaves about 10% just to focus on relationships which is actually the hardest and perhaps the most important thing to focus on as companies can always make a new machine, a new process, more tasks, but it's culture and people make up the differential factor between a good company and a great company.

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XPollination (Ep. 12) - Millennials and Productivity
Matthew Harrington Matthew Harrington

XPollination (Ep. 12) - Millennials and Productivity

Special guest Porter Knight with Productivity Vermont, a company dedicated to empowering busy professionals to achieve more at work, joins us on this XPollination episode. They believe that productivity doesn’t just happen; it begins with a conscious commitment. It requires skill and decision-making to thrive, and may need ongoing support to sustain. Productivity Vermont sets out to create a system that fosters these characteristics in the workplace.

Their powerful strategies have helped thousands of executives, employees, and entrepreneurs acquire a greater sense of purpose, hone their decision-making skills, and achieve greater life balance while boosting their performance at work.

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